28 thoughts on “CONTACT”

  1. Hola Beatriz, soy Miriam de Zaragoza,
    queria hacerte una consulta, me he comprado la misma cazadora que llevas tu en la foto pero no se si es la talla correcta, pone UK 10, euro 36, spa 40,
    y no se si corresponde a la s o a la m,
    un saludo y gracias por adelantado!!

  2. oye se me a olvidado decirte en que foto, jeje,
    es la barbour vintage troop parka,
    muy mona jeje

  3. Hi,

    I’m a digital marketer and I’ve assisted other clients in optimizing their websites for several years now. I’m an expert and I know search algorithms like the back of my hand. I know exactly what to do to make your site rank a lot higher (which gets you more traffic/sales) and that’s something I would like to discuss with you if this is something you’d like for your website.

    Let me know if you are interested and I can give you a free consultation to show you where you’re at now, what needs to be done, and what you can expect.

    I hope to hear from you,
    Kelly Hughes

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  7. Extremеlу goоd news.

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  8. Hi, just wanted to let you know that the last few chances to get the award-winning free trial of the Rank Tracker software is coming to an end.

    https://www.track-r.net lets you see exactly where your site is placed in the Google search engine listings.

    It also helps you understand how to increase your rank with free advice.

    Offer of the 7 day free trial ends soon.

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  10. Hello there,
    I’m a web designer/developer that builds websites for small businesses. My sites look exceptional and help my clients to increase profits. I would love to have the chance to show you my skills and talents. I specialize in WordPress website platform (I can tell you more about it and how this can greatly magnify your business if you’re not familiar with it), but I am also familiar and skilled with many other platforms and shopping carts as well.

    If you’re interested, I can upgrade your existing website or build you a new one completely that has all of the modern features and functionality. If you have some free time within the next few days, I’d be happy to give you a quick call. I can give you some of my ideas to maximize your site’s effectiveness and profitability, get your feedback and then give you a proposal.

    Hoping to hear from you,
    Ed Frez

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